The day before the fiesta I was so happy that we did not have classes. I was able to do things for the fiesta. I did not have visitors that time but my mother had her co-teachers in our house. They were so many but we enjoyed having them with us. that night we thought that no one will go in our house around 7:00 so we already closed door house and was preparing to go to bed but we were shocked when we heard someone's knocking. We saw there that Tita Silma together with her other co-teachers were there. It was so funny how she knocked on our door. After eating, they went home and he took a rest.
That morning, my first visitor was Cyrile. Then Loriza, Janina, Joan and Theresa went next. We were having fun upstairs while waiting for the others. Charlene also went in our house. She was alone and I really talked to her a lot so that she won't feel out of place. Joy, Kathreen, John-C, Mafi and Claudine went next. We were dancing and chatting and having so much fun. My classmates were laughing at John-C 'cause he really is so funny and he looks more girlish than us. After a while My classmates already left. I figured out that no matter what happens my elementary friends will always be my companion every fiesta. We saw Oneal in the church so I asked him to go in our house. He was so shy and we are trying to make it comfortable for him to be with us. He was with his two other friends. Tita Meloy, together with Oops C, Jj, and Tiny went home and spend their weekends here.
They were always playing. The two kids were never uncharged. they never wanna stop playing. We went to Pugad Lawin to Nanay Agnes. There were some mud and they seemed to be enjoying it. We really were having fun going out of the house. Tiny does not want to stay inside the house. She is always in the neighborhood and playing.
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